Pastor's Wives Retreat

Nearly 40 pastor’s wives gathered for worship, devotion, and fellowship time for the “Thy Kingdom Come” retreat. The event was hosted May 19-21 at Heit’s Point Lutheran Ministries in Lincoln. Deaconess Mary Laesch, Lisa Clark, Janine Mallardi, and Jamie Truwe led events while Rev. Dr. Rocco Mallardi, executive director of Heit’s Point, led Sunday’s worship service. “The wives of pastors have a unique vocation, and it is such a blessing for these sisters in Christ to spend time together and be strengthened in God’s Word and through mutual encouragement,” notes fellow pastor’s wife and retreat organizer Lisa Clark. “This is the first overnight pastor’s wife event for the Missouri District in years, and it was a huge blessing for all who attended! It is the hope that these women can now return home and continue serving in their vocation as a pastor’s wife with joy.” A great time was had by all! Keep an eye out for future events.