It was jokingly referred to as the “Dinner of Champions” and it consisted of corndogs, potato chips, pizza bites, and chocolate s’more brownies. Typical fare for a youth group at an LCMS congregation in Missouri these days. This wasn’t exactly your average youth group, though.

At Saint Trinity in south St. Louis City, this gathering was made up of kids from three counties and multiple countries—and those corndogs were part of an answered prayer. “For 10 solid years we have been praying for Jesus to send kids, teens, and families to our church community,” says DCE Heidi Lewis. “Little did we know He was going to answer those prayers with young people from all around the globe.”

Thank you, friends and supporters of the Missouri District, for walking with this district-supported mission congregation. Saint Trinity faithfully serves 50 underserved families in their neighborhood weekly through their food pantry…and now your generosity is part of a new outreach initiative—one that is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the next generation of believers and leaders of the church.

The congregation recently launched The Bridge—“an intentional mission effort at Saint Trinity to come alongside and assist young people in thriving in an American culture filled with challenges and opportunities.” The Bridge meets three times each week: twice after school for “Homework Help Hangout” and a Friday evening basketball and social time. These opportunities are provided so that participants and their families will be pointed to Christ, spend time in His Word, build relationships, and mature in the faith.

As the Missouri District, we continually seek God’s guidance for the awesome work He has put before us. Pointing our neighbors to Christ is a calling we’re blessed to heed—especially when these efforts are undertaken with our faithful partners. We thank you for your generosity and invite you to continue in this work. Would you please prayerfully consider making a gift this Easter season to mission efforts of the Missouri District?

Gifts may be made online at:
Or mailed to: Missouri District LCMS 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63141

Be it to immigrants, college students, military personnel, or those in urban or rural settings, God has given us all the task of sharing the Gospel with those around us. It’s a message we boldly proclaim as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord—and throughout the entire year. Thank you for your support!