“In All Things” is the theme for many Lutheran schools across Missouri. Based on Colossians 1:15-20, this theme can be woven all through a school’s yearly plans. For Allyson Bohlmann of Immanuel Lutheran School in St. Charles, this theme provides many opportunities to teach children about Christ “In All Things”.
“Lutheran schools have the privilege to view the world through the lens of Christ existing in all things,” explains Bohlmann. “God the Father created the world that we live in, Christ our Savior saved us from the sin that surrounds us on Earth, and the Holy Spirit sustains our faith as we continue to live out our callings in His creation. Christ can be seen in the beautiful sunrise each morning, the encouraging word from a classmate, or the science class where students discover how intricately God designed everything.”
At Immanuel, the school year starts with a “In All Things” chapel service. A special way to join together in remembering the theme is through special, themed t-shirts. Students and staff can order these t-shirts based on the year’s theme and wear them on the first Wednesdays of the month and every Friday. A big highlight of the year is celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week. “We always start off the week with an all school devotion,” says Bohlmann. “Each day there is a different way to dress up, such as Pajama Day or School Spirit Day. Students write to senior members in the congregation to thank them for their support of Immanuel and to share the school theme and Bible verse with them. ...It is a very fun-filled week and students are very excited about the events each year.”
Immanuel also realizes that “In All Things” is a theme applied not just in neat t-shirts and fun activities, but also in service to others. Their school staff recognize when students are demonstrating Christ-like behavior and give out “Soaring Servant” cards to kids. There are also multiple opportunities for service projects, giving back to the community, and partnering with Immanuel Lutheran Church.
“Lutheran schools are important because it is a Christian environment combined with rigorous academics where students can strengthen their faith in Jesus, their Savior,” states Bohlmann. “Teachers model how we are to be Christ’s followers in today’s society. It is my belief that the Lutheran school ministry involves not only teaching young minds but also encouraging children to be disciples so that they can spread the Gospel message to others.”