The Blessing of Retired Church Workers
The congregations and schools of the Missouri District are truly blessed with faithful pastors and teachers. Our Lord has commanded us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest fields. We should regularly be praying for young and “not-so-young” people to consider church work vocations as God meets the needs of the Church in the future. While we recognize that there is a shortage of pastors and rostered teachers, it is good for us to be reminded that God is still providing for His people through retired church workers as well. Retired pastors and teachers serve all over our district as they bring the Word of God through congregations and schools.
Our Lord continues to do great things through retired pastors and pastors who could retire but instead choose to continue to serve. From visitation to vacancy work, many pastors continue to serve well past the time when they stepped back from full-time service. There are retirement-age pastors who are involved in pulpit supply, leading Bible classes, serving as Circuit Visitor, and even assisting in church plants. They are eager to continue to serve the Lord in a wide range of needs in congregations without the burden of having to attend meetings. Our congregations see and appreciate their labor.
Our congregation members may be less aware of all the ways in which retired principals and teachers support our schools. Retired principals regularly serve as interim principals and mentors for teachers who are serving as principals for the very first time. Retired teachers supervise student teachers, teach specific classes of expertise, and even come in to listen or read to students. Our emeritus teachers support our schools in so many ways.
October was Church Worker Appreciation Month. Many churches and schools found ways to show their love for the church workers that are actively serving. However, we should also take time to give thanks to God for the continued service of those who may be considered “retired” or “emeritus” in terms of their roster status, but who remain incredibly active as they use their gifts for others. Thanks be to God for all our retired church workers and for their service - both past and present!