"Bold Hope in Christ"

Missouri District Convention, 2025

The Twenty-Second Missouri District Convention will be held June 22-24, 2025, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri. The theme for the Convention is “Bold Hope in Christ” based upon 2 Corinthians 3:12. The convention essayist will be Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden, Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology, Dean of Theological Research and Publication, and Director of Resident Field Education at Concordia Seminary.

The District Convention occurs every three years and allows delegates to elect officers and establish priorities on behalf of the congregations of the district. The LCMS Handbook states, “Conventions of the districts shall afford opportunities for worship, nurture, inspiration, fellowship and communication of vital information” (4.2.1).

A packet with materials regarding nominations for President, First Vice- President, and other positions was sent to each congregation in September. The deadline for nominations for District President and First Vice-President is December 16, 2024. All nomination forms are available on the District website’s “District Convention” page under “Events”.

Mark your calendars: Registration for the convention opens on December 13, 2024.