"Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You Richly!"

On Sunday morning, thousands of saints gather for worship in more than a dozen different languages across Missouri.

On Sunday evening, high school youth meet in the youth room for devotions and games.

On Monday mornings, pre-school children sit on rugs for “Jesus Time” as they fold their hands in prayer and listen to God’s Word.

On Monday evenings, smaller numbers who couldn’t attend worship on Sunday mornings gather for worship wearing their work clothes and school/athletic uniforms.

On Tuesday mornings, pastors assemble at their “circuit winkels” for a time of worship and study as they support and encourage one another in the faith.

On Tuesday evenings, a group of church leaders begin their meeting with a study of God’s Word and time of prayer for the needs of the congregation.

On Wednesday mornings, students focus on the Scripture for the week as a local pastor leads chapel for the area Lutheran high school.

On Wednesday evenings, confirmation students sit with their parents and pastor to discuss the Introduction to the Lord’s Prayer and then spend time praying together.

On Thursday mornings, a group of men meet at the local diner for a hearty breakfast and their ongoing study of Romans.

On Thursday evenings, college students sit around the tables at the Lutheran student center to enjoy the casseroles provided by the local congregations and to study Christian apologetics.

On Friday mornings, women of all ages gather to continue their study of women in the Old Testament.

On Friday evenings, families gather to be equipped for family devotions by the church and school staff.

On Saturday mornings, men gather for devotional time before setting out to people in need with yard work and home repair projects.

On Saturday evenings, church staff and volunteers spend time in God’s Word and prayer before the Sunday services and Sunday School and Bible classes.

These things don’t happen in every congregation every day.  However, such gatherings are happening in one of our congregations, schools or campus ministries across the district each day.  Everything that we do comes back to the Word of Christ dwelling in us richly as the Holy Spirit gives to us the forgiveness of sins and strengthens our faith.  May the Word of Christ dwell in you richly and in the hearts and lives of the members of all our congregations.


Fraternally in Christ,

President Lee Hagan

Rev. Dr. R. Lee Hagan was born in Birmingham, Ala., and graduated from Concordia, Seward, Neb., in 1992. He holds both a Master of Divinity Degree (1996) and Doctorate of Ministry (2011) from Concordia Seminary. Hagan served as Senior Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran in Concordia, Mo. (2002-2015) and was previously an Associate Pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Evansville, Ind. (1996-2002). He has been President of The Missouri District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod since June 2015. Hagan also served as Interim Director, LCMS Rural and Small Town Mission (2011-12), on numerous District Boards both in Missouri and Indiana, and during multiple Synodical Conventions as a delegate and on Floor Committees. He is married to Jill and they have two children.