Concordia Plans

Concordia Plans walks with LCMS ministries in caring for workers and their families so that the Word of God continues to spread! Areas of focus: Health, Physical and Financial Wellness, Retirement Planning, Life Insurance, Loss support, Mental Health Resources (EAP: Employee Assistance Plan) and more.

Grace Place Wellness Ministries

Grace Place Wellness is a preventive wellness ministry that seeks to positively impact the ministry of Christian congregations by encouraging workers in the church to lead the rich and full lives that Jesus intends for all His children. Grace Place Wellness impacts local congregation and school ministry through our Classic Retreats, and through our newest offerings, the Congregational Wellness Weekend and the Ministry Team Wellness Workshop.

Shepherd’s Canyon

Compassionate care for the caregiver when life becomes a crisis for pastors, spouses, and ministry leaders. Contact Marty Hasz to learn more about this.

Ambassadors of Reconciliation

Equipping Christians and their churches for living, proclaiming and cultivating lifestyles of reconciliation.


DOXOLOGY offers an innovative program of advanced study retreats to strengthen pastors for the task of faithfully shepherding the souls entrusted to their care.

Pastoral Support Network

The Pastoral Support Network offers counseling and support services with a particular sensitivity to the unique issues ministers and their families may experience. If there’s an issue for which you’d like assistance, you can talk with a PSN counselor over the phone or get a referral for a counseling professional in your area. PSN is now offered through our Employee Assistance Program with Evernorth.

In addition to counseling services, the PSN can help with your home and family life. PSN specialists will help you find quality referrals for child care, adoption, education, elder care and pet care. These work life specialists sometimes make up to 100 calls to find a provider that meets your criteria – think of the time you could save!

The Pastoral Support Network is part of your health and wellness benefit and is completely confidential. Neither your congregation/employer nor the LCMS will be notified when you use the services.

The Pastoral Support Network is offered at no cost and is available to all the family members in your household. To reach the PSN through Evernorth, pastors and their families can call 888-712-1805 or visit the website Using Employer ID “PASTOR” will differentiate the PSN from general population support.

Concordia Plans Employee Assistance Plan

National Alliance on Mental Illness