Opportunities for Lutheran School
Every August thousands of students are entrusted to our Lutheran schools. All over Missouri, children from varied backgrounds walk through our school doors as their parents look for safe places for them to grow and develop. Some parents may send their children because of the excellent academic programs. In some cases, athletics may be the draw for students. However, what makes Lutheran schools distinct is that we share Christ with all of our students and their families.
The COVID-19 pandemic led many families to discover things their children were being taught of which they were unaware. Our urban and suburban schools saw significant growth from non-Lutheran families. They came because they didn’t like what their children were receiving in public schools, but they have stayed because their children are learning that their lives have value because they are created in God’s image and ones for whom Christ died. They are also learning how to use their unique gifts in service to God and others. In addition to learning about math and science, arts and literature, they are taught a Christian worldview that shapes how they view their place and future.
In our early childhood centers to elementary schools and high schools, God is doing great things through our teachers and servants. There are great challenges that face our schools, but also great opportunities. As another new school year kicks off, please pray for wisdom for our school administrators, joy for our Lutheran school teachers, and growing faith for our students and their families. Please join us in praying for our newest school, Faith Lutheran School in Branson. We also invite your prayers that God would raise up more Lutheran school teachers. This includes young people to attend one of our Concordia Universities to train to be teachers in our Lutheran schools. However, this also can include public school teachers who have also grown frustrated with the educational philosophies that undermine or even attack a Christian worldview. More and more teachers are leaving the public school system to teach in Lutheran schools so that they serve with joy and boldly confess their faith in Christ!