
Last week’s activity (see: Week One Household Activity) ask you to reach out to someone, possibility in your neighborhood, and bless them in a specific way.

a) Were you able to do that? If not, who might you reach out to this week?

b) How did each member of your household add their God-given gifts to the effort?

c) How well do you know the person you served? How are they uniquely blessed them as a child of God? How might you explore that more?

d) What might be helpful in following up with them this week?

Exercising Your Gifts:

In your baptism, God put His family name on you. He also commissioned you to be a steward (manager) in His family business! While many businesses in our communities are struggling, God’s family business is thriving and will shine. Everyone in the family has abilities, talents, and gifts to use to bring hope to our communities.

You can do the following exercise with your home or with friends you reach out to. It is helpful to have at least two people (in addition to yourself) involved so they can help you see the gifts you might not see.

a) For each person involved, including yourself, write down as many abilities and talents that you celebrate in that person as gifts from God.

b) Share all your notes with each other.

c) Let each person pick one ability they will explore this week to use in a new way in serving other as God’s “family business.”

d) In this time when things are very different and difficult for so many, ask yourself:

  • How can I use my gift in a slightly different way that might be God’s purpose for this very time?
  • How can I be intentional in sharing grace and glorifying God with this plan?

e) Choose something that you can do in less than a week’s time.

f) Share your ideas, work together as God provides and pray for each other as you use these gifts.