Mission Grant Application Process Now Open

My “10:02 Prayers” this week have been for the Holy Spirit to stir up surprises in new mission initiatives among our congregations. In fact, I’m challenging all of us to use the month of February to pray daily at 10:02 (mindful Jesus’ call to prayer in Luke 10:02) for new...

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Healthy Servants

“And [Peter] he went out and wept bitterly.” —Luke 22:62 Tears are not foreign to those who serve God and His Church. Throughout the Scriptures we find our Lord choosing for His service uncertain saints, men and women, who are known more for their failures than their feats, more for...

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AoR: A Reconciliation Resource for Pastors

by Pastor Marty Hasz, Eisleben Lutheran Church What’s the one most difficult outcome for a pastor to achieve in the congregation? Agreeing on the color of the new sanctuary carpet? Sort of, yes. Even small decisions can be influenced with that agony of broken or strained relationships. Outstanding sermons and...

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Visit, Encourage and Strengthen

And after some days Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us return and visit the brothers in every city where we proclaimed the word of the Lord, and see how they are…” And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches. —Acts 15:36, 41 When Paul begins his second missionary journey, it is...

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