The Power of Active Alumni for Lutheran Schools

With graduations happening across the world right now, many people are thinking about what the students will become—what majors they’ll pick, what activities they’ll choose, and eventually what jobs will kick-off their futures. However, there’s another often-overlooked angle about what these students will become. They’re going to become alumni. Engaged...
Three Simple Things to Activate Your Volunteer Base

Summer is a unique time for most congregations. While many members are checking out of their routines and going on vacation, seasonal ministries are also ramping up. As many congregations get ready to kick off mission trips, vacation Bible school (VBS) and service projects, they’ll also be seeking more volunteers....
Pastors, Please Take Your Vacation

As a pastor, you go where you’re needed—counseling a couple on the brink of divorce, the side of a hospital bed or presiding over an unexpected funeral. But there’s another place you’re needed. And if you’re being completely honest with yourself, you might be avoiding it. Pastors need to take...
You’re Not Alone!

“I will take some of the Spirit that is on you and put it on them, and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, so that you may not bear it yourself alone.” —Numbers 11:17 Moses was overwhelmed by the burden of leading God’s people. More than...