Note: This activity is also included in the Week Three Bible Study.


Last week’s activity (click here to review) explored God’s gifts and talents in you.

a) What gift did you choose to exercise in a new way?

b) What joy and affirmation did God show you in this experience?

c) What challenges did you have in sharing your gift?

d) How can encourage and rejoice with others who tried this same activity?


Blessing Our Institutions:

1 Peter 2:13-16 challenged the people of God to show grace in their submission to our human institutions. He calls us to a courageous stewardship that blesses “every human institution.”

a) Identify as many “institutions” as you can think of that impact your community or neighborhood (Here are some examples among many to get you started: Local governments, first responders and health care workers, grocery stores, utility services, teachers, and truckers.)

b) Identify one specific institution and the person or persons that you can make a specific, personal connection with.

c) Identify one way that you can support, assist, honor and bless them as a servant of God.

d) Make a specific plan to engage the people you have identified this week—personally or with a group.