2019 Senior Profiles

Celebrating the 2019 Senior Class There are so many ways to answer the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Many students have grown up in the educational ministries of the Missouri District, where they learned not only where they want to go, but what kind...

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MO District Hosting Disaster Response Training Sessions

LERT certifies volunteers to FEMA standards, and makes them eligible for access to federal disaster sites. Across Missouri, these trained volunteers are ready to step in when the unthinkable happens. The district’s goal is to have teams in every pocket of Missouri, so LERT volunteers can serve locally, without the...

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Better Together

St. Paul is the Christian Church’s preeminent missionary. He traveled extensively throughout Asia Minor and Europe on his missionary journeys as he established congregations and set in place pastors to oversee the spiritual care of the flocks in the various cities. But,he also returned to many of the churches that...

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