Rev Blankenship Ordination

Rev. William Blankenship, former lay deacon in Northeast Missouri, received ordination at 78 years young.   Pictured Front row L to R: Pastors Ken Schamber, President Lee Hagan, Bill Blankenship, Scott Salo, and Jacob Hercamp. Back row L to R: Pastors Wes Gehrke, Jeffrey Dock, Eric Carlson, and Mark Appold....

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Rev. Dr. Frazier Odom Obituary

Rev. Dr. Frazier Norton Odom July 23, 1937 - April 20, 2021 The Rev. Dr. Frazier Norton Odom was born to the late John Quincy and Mabel (Clausell) Odom on 23 July 1937 in Buena Vista, Alabama. He was baptized as a child at Macedonia Baptist Church in Birmingham (Ensley), Alabama in...

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SENT TO SERVE! National Lutheran Schools Week is here for most schools across the Missouri District, running January 24-30, 2021.  This year’s theme is “Sent to Serve” is based off of Matthew 20:28 “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life...

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Rev. Lloyd Hackbarth Obituary

Rev. Lloyd J. Hackbarth March 21, 1936-September 11, 2020 Rev. Lloyd Hackbarth passed away on September 11, 2020 at the age of 84.  He was born on March 21, 1936 in Wausau, Wisconsin to Anton and Clara Hackbarth nee Engebrecht. He was baptized on April 5, 1936 at Zion Lutheran...

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Timothy Fabry Obituary

Timothy Fabry April 28, 1952 – January 17, 2020 Timothy J. Fabry, 67, of Independence, MO, formerly of Concordia, MO, died January 17, 2020 at Centerpoint Medical Center in Independence.   Born April 28, 1952 in Summit, WI, he was the son of the late Rev. Joseph Fabry and Marie...

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Faith-Filled Friday: I Paused

I Paused. Leah Sieveking Assistant to the President: Mission Advancement It all arrived the same week back in April: the bleak first quarter report from my financial advisor, the high bid for an unexpected roof replacement…and the note to myself to make my quarterly contribution to my local congregation. I’d...

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Voice: June 2020

Click to read as PDF or to print out:  June 2020 Voice This issue of The Voice focuses on ministry and missions related to those who serve in the Armed Forces. Missouri District mission grants support the important work of our congregations in Knob Noster and St. Robert. Also featured...

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Reverend Kim Leroy Scharff Obituary

Reverend Kim Leroy Scharff, age 69 of Norborne, Missouri, was called home on Wednesday, May 27, 2020.  Rev. Scharff was the son of Vern Lee and Margy Joyce (Wright) Scharff, born on November 24, 1950, in Omaha, Nebraska. Rev. Scharff had a beautiful tenor voice and was involved with many...

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The Challenge of Clergy Isolation During COVID-19 Days

The Challenge of Clergy Isolation During COVID-19 DaysA Letter from DoxologyMost pastors didn’t have “Global Pandemic” on their calendar for Spring 2020. Yet, faithful pastors continue to do what it is that they have been given to do as they care for their sheep and lambs, preaching the Word in...

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Services Available on Radio

Freistatt – Trinity Stream live/recorded all services at Our radio broadcast is 10:00-11:00am every Sunday at 95.9FM.   Higginsville – Immanuel Broadcasting live on 92.5 FM on Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m.   Lake Ozark – Christ the King Osage Beach - Hope Chapel Regularly broadcast abbreviated services and...

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